Mocking a WebClient in Spring: Learn how to test WebClient, examples include testing using Mockito, MockWebServer, WebTestClient and WireMockServer....
Spring WebClient - GET, PUT, POST, DELETE examples: Learn how to create, read, update and delete using WebClient, an alternative to RestTemplate, examples using GET, POST, PUT and DELETE http methods....
This article provides one stop guide to convert SOAPMessage to Java Object with namespaces, SOAPMessage as XML to SOAPMessage Object using Jaxb2Marshaller, XMLStreamReader, JAXBContext and Document APIs...
This tutorial explains how to create a Restful client using Spring and Jersey. We will try to create a client and call the ping() method using Pure JAX-RS API without using Jersey and also using Jersey API....
This tutorial explains how to create a Restful webservice using Spring and Jersey. For your convenience, we have provided configurations for running the webservice on both Jetty and Tomcat servers....