
Apr 28, 2020 - ReactJS

React Router Configuration - Create React App - Step by Step Configuration

This React post explains how to configure react router on create-react-app (CRA) step by step with a working example and downloadable source code included.The working react sample application is easy to understand....

Oct 24, 2020 - ReactJS

Guide to create React Loading Spinner with Overlay

This tutorial explains with examples, how to create a simple loading spinner using react and font-awesome components with and without using an overlay created with react-loading-overlay component....

Jul 21, 2020 - ReactJS

React Redux Configuration - How to configure React with Redux and Thunk ?

This React post explains how to configure react and redux in a simple and easy to understand approach. Explains what are Actions, Action Types, Reducers ? and what is Thunk middleware ? The post includes working example which is production ready conf...

May 05, 2020 - ReactJS

React WidgetPack Comments - A Free Disqus alternative - Step by Step

This react tutorial explains how to use widgetpack's comments widget as a free alternative to disqus commenting system using React. The example application is provided for easy understanding. It uses react-widgetpack-comments npm module. A full Comme...

Jun 07, 2020 - ReactJS

React Proxy Backend API configuration - Apache Http Server, Nginx, Tomcat

This React post explains how to proxy backend API requests in react on Apache HTTP Server, Nginx Server and Tomcat Server. The react post explains how to setup API proxy configuration on create-react-app(CRA) application step by step. The proxy confi...